Pictured above are the most delicious tofu rancheros I've had in my LIFE! I get what all the fuss is about. I like places that cater to both vegans and non-vegans alike, because then you can bring even the pickiest of eaters (I think my sister would enjoy it! Or my brother-in-law. I need to catalog places I can take them when they visit the city because eating out with them is extremely difficult, as I am not into Chili's as a place that serves 'food'.)
I like how it looked (old-fashioned and kitschy) as well as how it smelled (like a diner, but not gross?). I also appreciate places that have vegan food on the menu that they don't haphazardly throw together. Vegans, you know what I'm talking about, right?
Seated near Sarah and I was a small family - a dad that took his two little kids to either a late lunch or early dinner. He ordered himself and old fashioned sundae shake (you can get vegan versions too!) which I just thought was the cutest. I like it when adults order that kind of stuff, I don't know why. I guess cause it reminds me that we all used to be kids?