My parent's came to the city to hang out with me, about 3 weeks ago, and I took them to The Stinking Rose. It calls itself a garlic restaurant, and being a family that loves garlic, I mean it's like 1 + 1 =2. It might've made sense to bring them to the restaurant I work at, but I'm already there 5 days a week! Plus commute time! What can I say, when I have a day off, I have a day off! Sometimes I just want to be a tourist in my city, so The Stinking Rose it was. Besides, what is better than drinking wine and eating Italian food in North Beach?
In the words of my friend Britney, via a comment on Instagram, "Perfect place to take the fam. Good eats, good atmosphere, garlic, garlic and more garlic. And they will probably pay, so it's a win-win situation for all!" Well said, girlfriend, and so true!
I got the fresh tomato with angel hair pasta, olives, basil and roasted garlic. I never eat pasta, because I don't like how it makes me feel afterwards, but when in Little Italy, right?! (Let's not forget it was the only vegan option on the menu.)
We also got garlic hummus, which my dad says is the best he's ever had! It was quite tasty! They also serve a garlic wine, but the waiter told me I wouldn't like it. Probably true, but someday I'd like to taste that kind of atrocity.
Be warned! There is a vegan looking entree, with a Portobella mushroom and some roasted vegetables, but the sides (creamed spinach and mashed potatoes) are NOT VEGAN. I'm not even sure they are vegetarian, to tell you the truth.
Remember when told you I never eat pasta? I lied! I totally had it again last week at my parent's house for dinner. Every morning I wake up, I promise myself I'm going to go for a run, or do pilates but here I am, in front of the computer, drinking wine and telling myself that tomorrow is a new day. While staring at pics of carb-loaded plates I've gobbled down in the last month, nonetheless.
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