I never get to see my lil sis, Erin. She lives in Temecula, CA, while I live in San Francisco. However, this weekend she and her husband decided to take a trip up to NorCal, to my parents house in the East Bay/Central Valley suburbs. I came to dinner, as well as both my Grandmas, and it was lovely. I also got to see her about two weeks ago, as we celebrated 2nd Xmas and her birthday (holidays get extended when important people live far away and can’t make it to the observed holiday with everyone). Seeing her this much is very unusual and something I wish I could get used to.
Now I am so far off my original topic, I don’t even know what it was anymore. Just kidding! It’s about queso!
As an Hors d’oeurve, my Mom had set out beef taquitos and Tostitos Queso, both of which I cannot eat. I was yearning for some Food For Lovers Vegan Queso (lol, product placement. Crystal and Chris Tate have been good to me!). But when your parents live in the middle of nowhere, vegan products can be challenging (though not impossible!) to come by. My mom knows where the ‘Boca’ section is in Safeway!
Anyway, I just bought two jars of Food For Lovers for my sister and bro-in-law, from Vegan Essentials, seeing as how they like queso so much. We’ll see how that goes. They are the pickiest fucking eaters I have ever met. But if Tyler (aforementioned bro-in-law) likes it, OMG I’ve WON! I told them if they hate it, give it to Tyler’s sister, I won’t be offended. But I can have hope, can’t I?
My lil sis and I at Disneyland, early 90's. She looks cute, but you can see that I have always been dorky. I mean, look how high my shorts are! Bambi and Thumper still hung out with us though, nobigdeal.
Blog Archive
- Always Be Promoting!
- I Might Be Afraid of Change
- Dried Mango! It's Like Candy! (If you are kinda a ...
- My Mom Owns a Vita-Mix!
- Need a Little Help in the um...Intestinal Department?
- Spreading Vegan Queso to the Masses
- This is What I Do at Work
- Turtle Trails!
- How to Blanch Vegtables
- Red Wine Vs Balsamic Vinegar
- #HumbleBrags2
- Nothing Changes New Years Day
- #HumbleBrags
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